My Cure to Homesickness

The transition into college can always be a rough one, but thanks to my loving family and family friends, it was not hard.  In fact I never got home sick, because of many factors but one including the amount of love I received from everywhere and everyone.  On my weekly visits to my mailbox, I would always be surprised by several postcards. Funny enough my friends would check and find bills and boring grown-up stuff as I call it from their mailbox and I would be getting fun postcards. As soon as I got back to my room, I would read them and put them on the wall of my room or the cork board on my desk.  I ended up getting so many that I ordered postcard pocket sleeves and they are all in a binder.  Instead of having a trading card collection, I have aquired a post card collection.

I would like to thank my Grandpa and Grandma, my Granddad, my dad, my mom, my Aunt Jackie, my Uncle Steve, JoAnn,Vickie, Kevin and Brenda Hunt, Sandy, Sherri, Pat Mama Rutledge, and Cindy Andrews plus her family. The amount of love I received from you all really made a difference in my attitude and transition.  It made me feel happy that I was being thought of and that you are all supporting me.  When ever I feel down or stressed, I just take a look at the cards and read the messages, and it helps me calm down and smile.

Below is a collection of all the post cards that I have received since I started school. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.

These post cards are from all over and represent all the people who are important to me. Thank you again to everyone who took time out of their day to send me a post card.  I appreciate it immensely.

Talk to everyone soon,

Tori ❤
